Fundraising Ireland and ICTR vote to merge into new organisation CHARITIES IRELAND

19th June 2016

Two key organisations for the charity sector, Fundraising Ireland (FI) and ICTR, have voted by a significant majority to merge into a single organisation which will be known as Charities Ireland. The decision was taken at separate EGMs of both organisations held in Dublin on Friday, June 16th and followed extensive internal discussion by the two existing Boards and member consultation.

The new merged entity which will continue the work of both outgoing organisations will seek to provide a stronger platform to promote a positive environment for charities and fundraising and focus on the needs and issues affecting fundraising charities, including regulation, taxation and VAT. In addition it will represent the interests of the sector with government, external agencies as well as engaging proactively with the media.

Commenting on the decision Lucy Masterson, CEO, FI and Sheila Nordon, CEO, ICTR said: “Given the numerous issues facing charities following the impact of the economic downturn and increased and much welcome regulation of the sector, it is necessary that we develop the clearest and strongest possible voice for our sector. The merger of ICTR and FI into a single entity to represent charities provides that voice.

“While both ICTR and FI have had very clear mission and aims and have done an excellent job until now, combining the expertise of both organisations will deliver increased effectiveness, which is essential if we are to respond positively to the many opportunities and challenges ahead.”

A key aim of the new body will be to emphasise the positive impact of charities on those in need, promote greater understanding of the tremendous contribution of the sector to society and continue to foster excellence in fundraising practice and financial reporting.

“The establishment of Charities Ireland means that that government, media and the general public now have a clear ‘go to’ contact point and a single, clear and convincing voice for fundraising charities,” said Catriona Fotrell, newly elected Chairperson of Charities Ireland.

ICTR currently represents 160 charities and Fundraising Ireland has 440 individual members and 47 organisational members.

The Board of the new body will include representation from both outgoing Boards plus some external input, with an independent chairperson. All existing staff will transfer to the new structure. 


For further information/ to organise an interview please contact John Gallagher on 087 936 9888 or Jane Curtin on 087 9380 779
Editor’s note
The following charities will be represented by Charities Ireland;  
•    Action Aid
•    Amnesty
•    Arthritis Ireland
•    Asthma Society
•    Barnardos
•    Beaumont Hospital Foundation
•    Bothar
•    Cancer CAre West
•    Concern
•    CROI
•    CRY
•    CFI
•    Depaul
•    DIT Foundation
•    Dogs Trust
•    Early Childhood Ireland
•    Edmund Rice Foundation
•    Focus Ireland
•    GOAL
•    Gorta Self Help Africa
•    Irish Heart Foundation
•    ISPCA
•    ISPCC
•    Jack and Jill Foundation
•    Merchants Quay Ireland
•    Mercy Hospital Foundation
•    One in Four
•    Our Lady’s Hospice
•    Oxfam
•    Peter McVerry Trust
•    Pieta House
•    RNLI
•    SEI
•    St James Hospital, D8
•    Temple Street Foundation
•    CMRF
•    Irish Hospice Foundation
•    The Mater Foundation
•    Trocaire
•    Unicef
•    World Vision
•    Special Olympics
•    Headstrong
•    Glasnevin Trust
•    Irish Guide Dogs
•    MNDA
•    MSI
•    NCBI
•    Ronald McDonald House
•    Threshold
•    St Vincent de Paul
•    Simon